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  • Cure VCP Disease, Inc.

An 'Aha' Moment, A Moment of Inspiration

You may wonder why I am sharing a picture of me standing in my bathroom. My bathroom is a place where the impossible becomes possible. I know this sounds strange, but... my bathroom is a place that represents turning “I can’t” into “I can.”

Aha Moment for the I Can Movement
The 'Aha' Moment

Let me take you into my “aha” moment in the shower in March. Nathan and I had just purchased our new home, and our bathroom needed to be

remodeled to accommodate Nathan’s physical needs due to the impact of VCP disease. I reflected on the past few months as the hot water rinsed away the suds. I thought about all the obstacles that stood in our way - garage sales, packing, goodbye to friends and family, gutting a bathroom so Nathan could get into the shower, electrical problems, and a septic tank backup. The list goes on and on. There were times that I wanted to say “I CAN’T” in the middle of it. It would have been easier to give up, but then I thought about my husband, who battles VCP disease daily. And through sheer willpower, he continues to walk even though his muscles have deteriorated. I thought about Nathan’s mom and all the other VCP patients who faced challenges with everyday tasks but continued to make the most out of life. That’s when it hit me, “I CAN” is the spirit of the entire VCP community. Everyone has personal challenges. Everyone has individual talents. Everyone is moving forward to the best of their ability. Let’s embrace our challenges and inspire others with a virtual awareness movement.

Nathan and Allison at the Cantrell Center
Nathan and Allison at the Cantrell Center

Nathan is my best friend, husband, and co-founder of the Cure VCP Disease organization. I watch him battle VCP disease daily and witness all the “CAN’TS” he turns into “CANS.” He exercises with determination and leads our family by example.

We encourage YOU to focus on what you CAN do rather than what you can’t do. We want to CELEBRATE all the I CAN’s with you!

We ask that you join us TODAY by participating in our virtual Move-A-Thon that culminates the week of June 18 - 24, 2023. Several patients, family members, and friends have already committed to the I CAN MOVEment by pledging to walk, run, swim, complete wheelchair miles, or do anything that gets them moving! Thank you to those who have already donated!

to raise awareness and funds to cure VCP disease.
Swimming to raise awareness and funds to cure VCP disease.

Together, we CAN find treatments for VCP disease. Together, we CAN find a cure.

Yours in Hope,

Allison Peck

Wife, Mother, Engineer, Volunteer, Advocate, Caregiver, and Co-founder of

Cure VCP Disease



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